Make 3D photo slideshow, 3D dock menu, 3D carousel show, 3D image scroller and image roller without knowledge of Flash.
* Easy to use interface.
* No requirement of Adobe Flash Studio.
* No requirement of Flash knowledge.
* Make 3D photo slideshow.
* Make 3D dock menu.
* Make 3D carousel show.
* Make 3D image scroller and roller.
* Pause image transitions on mouse rollover.
* Make XML file driven slide show or embed photos to the slideshow and generate one Flash file at the end.
* HTML formatted text which can support font size, color, face and hyperlinks.
* Add background music and audio controller to the Flash banner.
* Support transparent PNG and GIF images.
* Add a customizable preloader.
* Set a web link for each slide or set a default web link for all slides. | |
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