Bulk Image Downloader
Bulk Image Downloader automatically downloads and saves images and videos from thumbnailed web galleries, bypassing all annoying popups and adverts. It can also extract image information from regular text files (such as saved html pages or plain text files containing links) and web pages where image links are listed as plain text.
Almost all popular image hosting sites are supported and it's built in image location technology can locate the full sized image in most web pages no matter what the layout or redirection methods used. Original image filenames are extracted where possible, but an option to generate sequential filenames is available for those image hosts that scramble the filenames.
It integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome via the right click context menu for even easier downloading. Download thumbnail gallery images interactively or send them to the Queue Manager and have them all downloaded automatically one gallery at a time.
In addition, the items that fail to be grabbed within a certain batch will be automatically placed in the new "retry" batches which you can later requeue for download. Use the BID Link Explorer to quickly extract multiple gallery links from gallery "index" pages (pages listing multiple galleries) and quickly queue them for download.