S2P is a stylus-free MP3/MP4/M4A/AAC/WMA/WAV/M3U/PLS/ASX player application. It simply lets you browse your music files & play. It fully integrates with S2U2; & supports A2DP & AVRCP.
Version 1.3:
•added a file Delete function under the Songs list.
•Press & hold the song to be deleted for about 1 second, a menu will pop-up. Press the Delete song name button to delete it or the Cancel button to abort.
•added a file Delete function under the Playlists list, same operation as deleting a song.
•added option to assign End or Windows hardware key as a minimize shortcut key (Settings > Others).
•fixed non-English M4A tag info was displayed incorrectly in v1.2.
•fixed the Playlists list was not refreshed properly on some devices.
•fixed the slow start-up if any sub-folder contains more than 255 songs.
•fixed the start-up problem if previously saved the On-The-Go as another file.
•fixed the music album logo might get distorted on some QVGA devices.
•a few minor bugs fixed.
Download to PC Clickshere
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